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Despite the minor bugs, the game was enjoyable! The creepy atmosphere and limited visibility really set the mood.
I would like to suggest dialogue captions because it's very difficult to understand the audio dialogue at the beginning (and end). You give the option to skip, but that only makes sense on a replay because without the dialogue, the player doesn't really know what the objective is. 

Thank you so much for the long feedback, i was thinking of adding captions but i honestly just ran out of time and it is a game jam game.

Did you manage to finish it?

I DID finish it.  :)  And I totally understand about running out of time!


Haha well done, I was wondering if people who were rating my game were actually beating it. Maybe in a future version i would add subtitles

Nice game. A little bit buggy though

Yeah godot isnt the best at performance esp as i have a lot of grass and trees